Monday, May 7, 2012

Kickstarter talks to us about product 'pre-orders,' won't force refunds when creators flake

Kickstarter talks to us about product 'pre-orders,' won't force refunds when creators flake

Kickstarter has proven an incredibly effective venue for connecting project creators with monetary support - inventors pitch directly to consumers, indie filmmakers meet indie producers and food trucks get the financial push necessary to take their restaurants to the road. With the latter two, backers don't necessarily expect goods in return, save for an overvalued t-shirt, bumper sticker or film credit. When it comes to electronics, however, funders are often promised a first-off-the-line gadget - one that may never arrive at their door.

Engadget, Kickstarter talks to us about product 'pre-orders,' won't force refunds when creators flake