Friday, December 2, 2011

Voodoo Carrier IQ app scans your phone for Carrier IQ presence

Voodoo Carrier IQ app scans your phone for Carrier IQ presence

For those of you who have been following the tech news, you're probably aware of a the drama and controversy surrounding a certain company by the name of Carrier IQ. Now if reading all that news has gotten you a little paranoid as to what sort of hidden software might be installed on your phone, an app for Android called Voodoo Carrier IQ is available for download from the Android Market which supposedly will scan your phone and check to see if Carrier IQ's software has been installed on it. If you're unfamiliar with the drama, Carrier IQ is a piece of software that some phone manufacturers and carriers have installed on your device.


See also:
newgadgets, Voodoo Carrier IQ app scans your phone for Carrier IQ presence