Monday, February 13, 2012

92% of Google TV Apps Downloaded Are Pre-Installed Apps?

92% of Google TV Apps Downloaded Are Pre-Installed Apps?

The folks at Xyologic have crunched some numbers recently regarding Google TV. The platform has 64 apps specifically designed for it. Of these 64 apps, six are pre-installed on Google TV devices. Those 6 apps have been “downloaded” 4.44 million times, apparently, out of the nearly 4.8 million apps that have been downloaded. That means that 92% of all apps downloaded on Google TV devices aren't even by choice. Xyologic says a lot of this is due to the “underwhelming” selection of applications on the Android market. Out of those 64 apps, only two have ratings above four stars and many have ratings under three.

Android Phone, 92% of Google TV Apps Downloaded Are Pre-Installed Apps?