Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Internet Explorer 9 web browser share in the US almost hits 35%

Internet Explorer 9 web browser share in the US almost hits 35%

Great news for fans and developers of Internet Explorer - Microsoft has just announced that 65% of Windows 7 users are now using modern browsers to surf the web - this means that they are surfing the web on browsers like Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 14+15 and Firefox 7. With everybody using an up to date browser, developers can focus on creating content that uses the latest technology instead of holding back to cater to web users with older browsers. Out of the 65% of Windows 7 users in the US, 34.9% of them use Internet Explorer 9, while Chrome 14+15 make up 14.3% and Firefox 11.8%.


See also:
itnews, Internet Explorer 9 web browser share in the US almost hits 35%